Vendors / Artists / Sponsorships #GEOTL24
Thank you from the Community Board Game Network!
We are thankful each participating board game designer, vendor, artist, and sponsor, without which this event would not be possible.
Please take a moment to see the logos below of all that have helped Great Escape on the Lake be such a great success year over year.
Join our public Facebook group *Click Here*
It’s great for keeping up on announcements, planning with other attendees, and asking questions. It’s also our primary form of timely communication prior to and during camp, including changes to schedules, and other general announcments.
Interested in joining us as a vendor?
Cost: $25 non-refundable administrative fee.
Includes an outdoor 12′ x 12′ space plus (2) free event admissions for the duration of Wed-Sun. Board Game Designers may request an indoor space for an 8’ table (~ 8’ x 6’ space in the dining hall or chapel as available). Children 9 and under are free for vendors. Additional admissions, beyond the two free ones, are $50/event, $15/day, and $5 Sunday.
Great Escape on the Lake is a not-for-profit event. 100% of all funds go toward this annual event. Would you like free advertising in our convention booklet? A donation of any size to the raffle will get your logo in the convention booklet and on our website, and may be shared on social media (larger ad spaces available for donations > $50).
Not Included: Tent, tables, and chairs (available for rent); sites do not have electricity (please add electric as an optional amenity if you will require electricity, and we will run an extension cord to your vendor site prior to your arrival). Lodging and themed meals are optional and must be purchased separately.
Do I Qualify for the vendor discount? The rule of thumb to qualify for the vendor discount is whether you will be selling things that others may purchase, and/or are a board game designer with an active kickstarter. Playtesting and prototypes are welcome, but do not typically qualify for the vendor discount. We do sometimes make exceptions, please reach out!
Note: If you are not approved as a vendor, you will be refunded.
We are in need of the following:
Attendance target 250-300 people in 2024
- Prizes / Giveaways / Gift Certificates / Coupons / Merch and GM Swag Bags as a thank you.
- Advertising Sponsorships & Banners (entrance, parking lot, and board game halls) help us to keep camp costs lower than average, and provides funding for various areas as needed.
- Tabletop Games – Play-to-Win, raffle, giveaways, prize support, game library, and tournaments.
- Raffle Items – LARP, tabletop games, RPG’s, crafted items, vendor items. Raffle benefits GEOTL.
- Lanyards, wide, w- holder for 300 people. “Lanyard Sponsor” recognition in convention booklet. Lanyards with your company logo are welcome.
- Food – Themed Meals (80-100 people daily for 5 days; also, setup/teardown crew food)
- Roleplay materials / terrain – LARP, RPG, Roleplay – for convention use, giveaways, & prize support.
- Materials for workshops, camp signage, and various camp projects – Wood, paint, mod podge, brushes, tools, leather, cloth material, dense foam (varied size home insulation board). $2,000
- Help getting the word out / Advertising – Cross-promotion, social media, TV, radio, calendar of events, reddit, hand out GEOTL information at conventions, and overall help promoting.

Great Escape on the Lake
"The Most Adventurous Experience Ever"

The Community Board Game Network is a not-for-profit humanitarian organization that utilizes creativity, adventure, and board gaming to add value to local communities. All funds collected are used for expenses related to Great Escape on the Lake. Our desire is to be able to fairly cover the expenses of those providing services for us. *Application process underway for 501(c) status.
Refunds, less a 10% convenience fee, are provided up until Sat, July 1st, 2023. All purchases are final after Sat, July 1st.