Munchkin Starfinder I Want It All!


  • Includes over 250 Munchkin star finder cards full of lasers, spaceships, and backstabbing!
  • Contains all the physical rewards released and unlocked in the Kickstarter campaign.
  • Illustrated by Howard Tayler, the award-winning creator of the schlock Mercenary web comic.
  • The box comes with its own Munchkin star finder rule!
  • Munchkin star finder provides 1 to 2 hours of game time for 3 to 6 players ages 10 and up.

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Product description

Explore the universe in Munchkin starfish! with the Munchkin star finder I want it all! box you’ll get Munchkin starfish and its expansions, as well as items that will never go to retail separately. This is your opportunity to get some Super exclusive items, like the Munchkin star finder space goblins mini-expansion! Munchkin starfish is part of a line of hilarious, best-selling card games from Steve Jackson Games, with over 9 million copies of the core sets and supplements in print worldwide.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 9 in