PLANNING GAMES / Volunteer Rewards Program
Great Escape on the Lake wouldn’t be the same without our Game Masters, exhibitors, and volunteers that help make this event so much fun! THANK YOU for making this such an awesome event.
Planning Games – please submit your events through as soon as possible to allow for signups and preplanning. *All GM’s must use for scheduling.
* Players that sign up in advance for games on TableTop.Events will be given 2 free raffle tickets at every game played! GM’s will have free raffle tickets to hand out at their scheduled games.
* GM’s that would like to sign up for rewards, please register for the GM Rewards Program by Aug. 1st by emailing your request to You must submit at least 4+ hours of approved events, and you must agree to the guidelines below. Please submit your games for approval and scheduling via events.
* GM’s must use player sign-in sheets for each tabletop event and turn them in daily. Please give completed sheets to registration (in dining hall) so we can credit your events.
* GM’s must schedule events online, show up at their assigned table on time, set up and prepare, and must do their due diligence to attempt to run the hours scheduled to receive rewards associated with the respective tier levels.
* GM’s still receive swag for no shows of scheduled games as long as there is at least one prior player signup, and if the GM attempts to fill the remaining spots for 15 minutes.
* We reserve the right to make changes as needed, to remove GM privileges, and to cancel events at our discretion, including no signups.

Rewards & Swag
4+ Hours of Volunteering and/or GMing
♦ Free GEOTL event T-shirt.
♦ GM recognition in convention booklet.
♦ Free Raffle tickets – 1 per hour of scheduled events.
♦ GEOTL pen
♦ GM exclusive collectible lanyard pin.
♦ Feel free to grab a free bottled water to take with you prior to each game!
6+ Hours (Min 2 unique types of games)
♦ All previous items + Free Single Day Event Admission.
12+ Hours (Min 3 unique games)
♦ All previous items + Free GM Swag Bag including GEOTL Mug.
18+ Hours (Min 4 unique games)
♦ All previous items + Free Full Event Admission.
24+ Hours (Min 5 unique games, and/or volunteering, e.g. setup/tear down, Castle Quest NPC, & helping as needed)
♦ All previous items + Full Event Lodging. CHOOSE ONE – A, B, or C: A) One Campsite, B) One Twin Bed in a Shared Cabin, or C) One fully covered individual contribution toward a cabin of your groups choice. Reward for 1 bed = cabin price / number of beds.
* Free admission and/or lodging is a reward for volunteering, and must be purchased up front unless otherwise agreed upon in advance. Reward refunds will be processed immediately following the event.
Great Escape on the Lake
"The Most Adventurous Experience Ever"

The Community Board Game Network is a not-for-profit humanitarian organization that utilizes creativity, adventure, and board gaming to add value to local communities. All funds collected are used for expenses related to Great Escape on the Lake. Our desire is to be able to fairly cover the expenses of those providing services for us. *Application process underway for 501(c)3 status.
Refunds, less a 10% convenience fee, are provided up until July 1st. All purchases are final after July 1st.